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Cagnes-sur-Mer, France

Over the course of the summer  holidays Liv and i travelled to the south of France and stayed in a holiday caravan park where we met loads of people and did lots of thing such as travel to monaco, the beach, and shopping.

On our first proper day there we went to a shopping centre where we saw this really weird building that had a golden head in the middle of it. Me and Liv went into as many shops as we could but we didn’t have much time as in the morning we spent most of our time on the beach.

The next day after we took a train to Monaco where we looked at all the posh boats and walked around looking at how posh everything was like the cars, shops, and boats. We also went down into the harbour where we got close up to the boats and we found it was €1 million to hire this certain boat 😱. 

On our last day we stopped into a village on our way to our airport hotel and it was so quite and peaceful and was a lovely site to see, little alleyways and great views made this town the perfect place to travel to.


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