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Love can be at any age. We just experience it differently the more we grow up. Break-ups, they suck everyone has to go through them and it really hurts. You go through stages where one minute you can feel so strong and you're ready to fight the world then one minute you can feel so lonely. I know i'm only 14 i guess i don't really understand the meaning of love. But what is the meaning of love? I think it means something different to everyone. If you are going through a break-up or even if you think its going to happen don't talk to each other. Yes i know its so hard and yeah i know how lonely it makes you feel but in all honesty i think if you just leave each other alone then wait everything will settle into place then you can be come friends again or you can talk everything out just don't do what i did i just kept wanting to sort it out and i am one of the worst people at giving space which isn't always a good thing. Over time it will heal. You just have to patience and distract your self until the other person messages you. One thing that helps me when i feel down is i write out all of my feelings and then i share it with people. I also think the more you talk about it the better it is...

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