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life update

I haven't posted in 2 weeks i know. To be honest i have had nothing to write about, Tally sent me a load of links to these websites about what to write. There was about 300 things i could have wrote about but i didn't want to do any of them because one i don't know how to do a give away and i have nothing to review about also because Tally and i have only just started doing this we have no viewers yet so i can't ask you guys any questions yet. My life is pretty boring at the moment. Unless i tell you all about my love life but that would bore you and it would take about 3 pages to explain. I know it sounds a little weird how i said there is nothing going on in my life at the moment but i haven't uploaded in 2 weeks, but in all honesty ii have forgotten or i couldn't be bothered. That probably sounds really bad but i'm human everyone gets lazy.

life update i am avoiding all that laziness yesterday i did a workout, oh yes Liv Hutchings got off her lazy bum and did a workout who knew that this day would have come. I'm not sure whether i have mentioned this but i have began to have an obsession with Nutella. it's okay i have been fighting the temptation for over a week now and began to have a strong bond with smoothies, i'm staying strong so far its been rough. thats pretty much all i have to say xxx

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