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People... at school!!

Ugh i hate everyone... at school! When you are someone small like me and you are wondering the corridors of school life becomes a lot harder when everyone else around you is a sky scraper. People shove you with there bags, they push you out they way, they can walk right into you because you are so small they cant notice you. Like today i was walking to my last lesson and this small person year 8 i think? Literally barges right into me so i shout quite loudly OW!

When you walk in late and everyone stars at you like you have killed someone. Its like do you mind then you get that Sherlock homes in the back that says 'you're late' and your just like really? Do you not think i realized that? Do you think i was charging down the corridors for no reason? Yeah... i don't think so.

Everyone has that one friend in their friendship group that allllllways has a problem and they alllllways have to tell you. So you're just there pretending you care and you know what they are on about. Its just like when ever i give you advice you never take it, you will make up by tomorrow anyway plus you're going to put it on your Snapchat story so that everyone can see so that they ask you whats wrong but you just say never mind so what is the point?

That's all i can think of for now but there are loads more, good night world xx

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