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House Work!

To me house work is one of the most annoying things on the world, I don't like cleaning unless its a certain type of cleaning, so organising. Its something that has to be done unless you want it to all build up and make you gag when you look at it.

I don't like washing up because I feel like i'm going to puke when my hand touches that soggy wet food that's at the bottom of the bowl or the way food floats around when your cleaning, plus it weakens your nails which isn't good.

I find most house work a nuisance and a pain in the back, but from today on wards i'm trying to do more of it that way I'll get used to it and adjust to the annoyance of it. These are the steps im going to take to help me get used to housework

-Listen to music whilst I do it, to try and make it more exciting/ better

-DO NOT procrastinate because it will get me no-where except the deepest darkest corners of pinterest.

-Try to do at least 3 house chores a day, (start of small and work your way up)

-Lastly be positive throughout the day so when I do it i'll be fine doing it as I will be happy.

I do not know how this will turn out but once I make this change and actually do house work I can accomplish anything!!!

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