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charcoal face mask

So i have seen all over the internet recently people doing the charcoal face-mask, so i looked up on YouTube whether it actually worked. Well i i watched quite a few and they all had good results, now there are people in the world who have naturally flawless skin and there are others who either have acne or really oily skin unfortunately i am one of those people. :( So i thought to myself why don't you try this so the other day i did this with my friend, and i have to say it was pretty good! Even though when i put it on my face it stung my eyes a little bit but i think it was the charcoal but on the YouTube videos it didn't? I think it was because we added 4 charcoal tablets because we thought well there is two of us so we must need more charcoal bad idea!!!

So what you'll need:

Non-toxic glue - you can get this mostly anywhere for under £3.00.

Charcoal tablets - Boots, Super drug, some super stores around £5.00.


Make-up brush - preferably a foundation one.

What you'll need to do:

Split open about two charcoal tablets and pour the power into a bowl. Then pour your glue in about two or three table spoons should do it. The more glue you have the more of the mixture you will have! Then apply and wait until it goes rock hard you will know because you won't hardly be able to talk this should take 30 minutes at the most. Once it has all dried up try and find a place around your face and start to pick at it until you have a bit of the mask to peel off.


Make sure you have a thick layer other wise it will just crumble and make it harder for you to peel off.

If you are doing this with a friend do not add more charcoal tablets because it could irritate the skin.

Make sure it is Non-toxic glue!

Thank you for reading, that's all there is for now. XOXO

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