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Struggles of a Period

What is a period... Uterus wants baby. person doesn't have baby. Uterus wants wants revenge. Quote from Pinterest!

The trouble with periods, is how awkward it gets when everything goes silent in the girls toilets at school and your just there like please someone anyone blow the hand dryer honestly. I am pretty sure no one wants to here you opening up a pad or tampon. But this is one of the many reasons why your friends should go to the toilets with you!

CRAMPS!! They are the worst thing about a period in my opinion. I suffer really bad from cramps sometimes from the minute I get up to the minute I go to bed I will have a cramp or period pains. They say hot water bottle helps yeah but ever thought about school. Its awkward enough when you have a male nurse how are you suppose to take a hot water bottle to school? Well there is always paracetamol I guess. Or like me go to the doctors (this isn't the real reason why i went to the doctors my mum was concerned because i kept getting nose bleeds) about it and they give you special tablets that I never take which I should. All the regrets of not taking them when your due will haunt you until your off.

But how awkward it is when you're round your friends house and you have just started your period then you have to ask them for sanitary stuff? LOL its not that bad though if its your best friend because they are like your other half.

Another thing is when your in the bath room whether you have just started or not and you forget your pads or what ever - unless your one of those lucky people who have cuboards or draws in your bathroom. O my days the struggles! I have no cuboards or drawers in my bathroom so I'm just stuck there and have to text my mum or dad!!!

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