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School Uniform

What Is It With School Uniform?!

The reason as to why I am writing this is because, yesterday in my class we had a disscussion, well not really a disscussion; students raising their voice so their opinions could be heard on what they think of the school uniform, and the teacher dismissing them and ending the conversation because she can not win against rebellious students. Moowhaha!

My teacher told us we are to go and make a complaint about the school if we dont like something about them, soooo, instead im here hoping that anyone can relate to at least one thing im saying.

I understand the reason why we have a school uniform, so we can look smart and presentable ready for school, work to be done and all of that stuff no one cares about except the school themselves.

They tell us we are only allowed to wear a limited amount of jewellry (1 ring, studs for earrings, a watch) and only natural looking makeup and nail varnish, I believe we should be allowed to wear as much jewellry as we want they tell us we need to be more creative with our school work for writing, drawing, making music, story's, art, but they limit us when it comes to creating our appearance. Dont you think young people should have their own decisions on how they decide to dress?

Jewellery in my school isnt a major thing, we have the odd bracelet here and their and a necklace hidden under our shirts, but, what if I want to wear some bracelet that my friend made me, a friendship bracelet. She took her time to make it for me and your not permitting me to wear my bracelet, MY BRACELET , that bracelet represents my friendship, do you really want everyone to think I have no friends, thats what happens when I cant wear my bracelet. I cant show it off on the weekend because im not surronded by people, im normally home, sleeping or doing last minute homework in massive bunches because schools decide we shouldn't just give up 6 hours but all our time up after school as well, Im not going to show it off to the imaginary people I hallucinate about when i sleep am I? No.

Make up and nail varnish, on the other hand, is a bigger thing, most girls in my school wear makeup and their make up looks fine they look flawless others look like they've auditioned to be an umpa lumpa for willy wonka and the chocolate factory.

There are so many opinions on what age "children" should be allowed to wear makeup and I think its totally up to the person who wants to wear makeup, and at least be in the higher years of primary school (elementary) as long as they have permission from their parents/ guardian first.

One girl i knew had to have her makeup off the next day because it was unnatural, and in all honesty there was nothing unnatural about it, foudation was a bit pale but just be thankful she's not an orange. Dont tell us students we are to young for makeup do you not think that is for us and our parents to decide, I dont go telling you that your to annoying to still be in my life so leave me and my age out of it. *Sassy Hand movements*;)

I dont think my school should abolish its uniform rules alltogether just let us choose what we want to do with our appearance, we can learn from our mistakes that; our foundation is orange, or our eyebrows are, infact, NOT sponsered by nike, nor will our contouring be so on fleek that even Kim K will be asking for the secrets of how we do it.

Anyways, we always have school photos to look back on and haunt us.

Tally xox

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