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Girl Drama

Ugh... honestly...!! Girls are the worst when it comes to gossip, we are such bitches. sometimes I really just want to be a guy not just because of the drama but the periods but that is for another blog.

But Drama!! O MY DAYS!! Why do people get so sensitive when you want to hang around with other people, like today there was this one friend who kept hanging around with me don't get me wrong I do love her to pieces but I really just wanted to hang around with others as well but grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry if there are a lot of exclamation marks.

I'm am just so peed off these past two days have been the worst ever! Yesterday was like the worst day of my life, I had to spend the day with this Bitch who lies about anything and everything. I DO NOT LIKE HER!! She is like the devils child! I can tell you this now she was really bugging me I could have actually slapped her.

Ugh basically my best friend and I are just to afraid to say no to people, and when that happens threes are formed. Which never work out me and her have tried numerous times with a three someone always gets left out. Take my word for it THREES NEVER WORRRRRRK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Normally its the person who decided to join the three with me and her that gets left out but no not this time it was me, everything is all sorted now but something happened today.

I'm probably going to get in a lot of trouble for writing this because people will get pissed then people will take that persons side and blablabla. I don't care if I has something to say I will say it! We have spoken to this person quite a few times about us being a three but somehow, somewhere along the line everything goes and tits up. Basically this person who we use to be in three with wanted to walk with us we have spoken to her about this before how sometime me and her only like it to be me and her, so we said no to her on Monday but we made it up to her by letting her walk with us yesterday. But she wanted to walk with us today but me and my best friend forgot so we went to pick up my brother without waiting for her but on our way back she was still waiting. Not for us but for a lift home we said sorry but now she is in a pissy with us grrrrr!!!!!

Its not our fault, WE HAVE SPOKEN ABOUT THIS BEFORE I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY SHE IS MAD AT US!! WE HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG!! Sorry about that I'm just in a bad mood I just needed to get that out.

If you have read this far thank you for reading.

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