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Don't get me wrong I do actually enjoy cleaning, by that I mean hoovering. I just find it fascinating how all the dust and dirt just gets sucked up.

But when it comes to cleaning out my room - oh my! I'm a bit of a horder!

Tally had to come round yesterday to help me clean because she likes doing that sort of thing. It suprisingly went really well I managed to clear 4 bin bags!!!

Trust me I did get bored but you should never start something that you cannot finish, I learnt that yesterday!!!

I'm actually glad I did this though. Eventhough it does seem really weird when I walk into my room it does feel alot cleaner, and not so crowded.

The reason I am writing a blog post on it is because if your room is a tip you need to clean it!! Trust me invite some friends over and make them help you, you will be glad you did it!!!!!!

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